Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cave Story Outer Wall-paper

My favorite video game scene ever is the Outer Wall level of Pixel's Cave Story (which also happens to be my favorite video game - if you haven't played it yet, do it. now.). Beautiful scrolling clouds + moon song = awesome. So anyways, I decided to make a small homage in the form of an android live wallpaper. I decided to also add the sky dragon from the bad ending ): since it seemed a bit empty with just the clouds. Unfortunately, I only have the original droid, so I haven't been able to test it on other phones, but hopefully it should work ok. Just search 'cavestory' in the android market to get it!


  1. Works great on my evo. Hope you can make something else related too!

  2. Merkur 45C Review - Merkur 45C (90 DE)
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